김반장(현장소장용)-일용직 근로계약서 노무대장관리, 건

by 한경ITS



Ban-Jong-Kim, Labor Contract, Labor Ledger Management, Construction Site, Work Daily, Field PhotoEasy construction site, daily labor managementGimjang application is providing a function that is tailored to the user, such as representative / field director.Representative application-Real-time check of construction site information and labor status of daily laborField collection application-Worker commute, management of labor, preparation and distribution of labor contract-Work Daily, Site Photo, Board Photo, Drawing Registration and Sharing❈ Representatives and applications for the field director can be used in Kim Ban service member companies. (Membership inquiry 1588-3818)❈ You can also experience the functionality of the Kim Ban App through the application login screen or ‘demo application’ on the Kim Ban site (http://www.gspoll.net/intro/?m=laborkimplus).❈ It is going to add job posting function for Gimban Jangdaeso.